Wandering in the Cross-border Footprints of Czechoslovak and Polish dissidents

With the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the Czech-Polish forum as the main partner of the project, along with the Czech organization Post Bellum and the Polish Ośrodek Pamięć and Przyszłość as project partners, two Czech-Polish exhibits will be created in 2017 at Blueberry Hill (Borůvková hora) and Malá Úpa . These two locations are commemorative of meetings between Czechoslovak and Polish dissidents during the 70’s and 80’s. This project explores the Czechoslovak-Polish friendship by creating new audio recordings of the Czech and Polish dissidents who participated in these meetings. The exhibit will also include virtual cross-border routes, which will be freely accessible on our Memory of Nations mobile app. Together with our Polish partners we will organize a conference on this topic in Wroclaw for the Fall of 2017.

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