Jiří Hřebík

* 1965

  • “Excerpts from the chronicle of scout's group [The] Veneds from 1968, namely from the 21th August, i. e. the day when the armies of the Warsaw Pact entered the Czech Republic: 'Around 7 am on Wednesday on the 21th August, I was woken up by excited voices of Mr. Prášil and his wife trying to get into my tent. When I finally found my way out, I found out that more of our boys are already awake but I was shocked by the news that the Warsaw Pact attacked our republic. A morning wake up call was announced and the whole camp started to pack. The first to leave were Baron [Baron], Drobek [Breadcrumb] and Pírko [Feather], thy left in Prášil's car. The situation looked scary. We had no news. We did not know what was going on. Despite this, the mood was great. We bragged and boasted about two helicopters that flew low over the camp every now and then, they bore the sign of red star which would be hated from this day on. Packing continued. Honza from Samota came. He did not want to believe it at first. Then he went running to Výsluní [Sunny Spot] towards Lesní [Forest Place] and at Dovolená [Holiday], they hid things that we will not be able to take along with us. Before he returned, the camp space was almost empty, without the tents, with most of the things already packed. We took the tents and boxes in the tree nursery, we had bread with butter and plum jam for lunch but nobody had any appetite. Everyone asked themselves anxiously, will we ever see each other? Will we be allowed to meet? Is this our last summer camp? What's with Plajner? Dad Plajner? And what about Dubček and Svoboda? And also, Will we ever get home? At about half past twelwe, there was a whistle for the roll call and we officially ended the camp. Then we laid down the flag mast. We were early at the stop. Everyone was impatient and anxious. If we were in Prague already so that we could see with our own eyes what is going on there. We saw the first occupants from the train in Křimov. Endless convoys of tanks and cars. Serious, but often also derisive faces. To our clenched fists, they responded with derision. It was pathetic. These half illiterate idiots are our new overlords.'”

  • “Actually, I was not ashamed at all that I am a leader of a youth group which is moreless Boy Scouts. For example, I went to the factory wearing a sort of altered Boy Scout uniform. Not exactly a proper one but it was visible at the first sight that I am a part of a youth group which totally is not Pionýr [the state-sanctioned youth organisation]. But, surprisingly… obviously, in that factory, at that time, which is sort of interesting, you will probably not know it… well, even in the factory, there was a plenty of Communist groups. It means that the party members were spread all over among the workers. Even in the development department, they had their basic cell or local chapter or how they called it. I have no idea what they did it, what schemes they laid. Maybe they discussed how to improve work performance and fulfill the work plans to 120 or 150 percent. Maybe they followed someone or snitched, in that factory. Even those saw me come with a lacrosse stick, nobody knew those weird and odd things there. And that I wear a scarf around my neck, and some number on my shirt sleeve. But even those did not come [to inquire]. Obviously, those communists went to meet people who were not in that Communist party and offered them membership. 'Join us you will have benefits,' yadda yadda yadda, but they did not dare to come to [talk to] me.”

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Jiří Hřebík in scouts' uniform
Jiří Hřebík in scouts' uniform
zdroj: Archiv pamětníka

Jiří Hřebík, Šnek [Snail] as per his Boy Scout nickname, was born on the 18th of March 1965 in the Prague hospital of Saint Apollinarius. His father Jiří Hřebík had his origins in Šumava, his mother Helga came from Ludgeřovice in the Hlučín area. When Jiří was five, his parents divorced. He was growing up mostly with his mother but he used to see his father often. He attended the basic schools Pod Klamovkou and Plzeňská in Prague 5 district. Aged fifteen, he joined a youth club based on the Boy Scout spirit and he got entirely immersed in the Boy Scout spirit. He apprenticed as a machinist and worked in a factory, in the department of development of work tools. After 1989, he started a Boy Scout group Sýčkové [Athenes – owls], later, when his two daughters were born, he helped to establish the ROSA association which enables meetings of parents with small children in the Boy Scouts spirit. He played sports on amateur level, he played rugby and lacrosse. Nowadays, he is an independent contractor in construction works.