“Well… That university career… It was a thing that was coming since many years, it was coming to us very slowly. And we knew that one day it would arrive. But hey, it was hard, very hard. Moreover, we knew that if he finished the university, it would be even worse. Because the journalists who work for the state, they have to do and write everything as the state demands them. So they work for that media. And all the press and all the media are being controlled, and they work for the government. We knew that it would be like this. I asked him if he was sure about what he was actually going to study. And he said yes. I knew that all this was like a time bomb which was coming. And it has been very hard for our family until nowadays. I may tell it very peacefully, very softly, but it has been very hard, very tough, very painful.”
“Persecutions, announcements, threats, guards ... This is not a life, we just survive... But well, every day, we get stronger. And we think and define more who are the bad ones, who are the oppressors. Because what we are living, is not fair. We have also received threats, and not only ourselves, but also our friends, our acquaintances. And I think they [the government] also find themselves in a situation... We are a family which has principles and is respected. "
“Many young people think like my son. But they know that by changing that path, there is awaiting a no-life, a persecution, a control. Many do not know how to defend themselves. And they are normal, ordinary people. Thus, they have to get used to live ... They have no courage. Or they have no decision for that no-life. They have courage even to launch themselves into the sea – as hundreds of Cubans were dying in the sea [during their escape attempts]. Or they have the courage to launch themselves into the Central American jungle to reach the border. But the bravery of those who stay there [in Cuba], is longer. It is a very long journey, and they decide not to take it.“
“Nosotros trabajamos con la idea muy esperanzadora de que por nuestro trabajo haya un rayito de esperanza y de luz de que Cuba también llegue a la democracia, y podamos ser un país normal. Porque en estos momentos yo creo que somos de los pocos países que quedan en el mundo con esta [necesidad de] normalidad.”
María Concepción Ferreiro Pulido was born on September 26, 1955 in Cuba. At the University, she graduated as a Civil Engineer. With her husband, they have never been supporters of any political party. In 1984 was born her only son Henry Constantin Ferreiro, who began to study journalism. His critical thoughts against the country‘s Communist regime soon resulted in problems with the authorities - and since 2006, he was constantly being expelled from different universities. In fact, he has never been able to finish his studies. Despite this impossibility, he began to work as a journalist in the magazine „Convivencia“, which focuses on criticism of the regime. Since then, the family is suffering from constant supervision by the state police, being threatened and limited in their rights. Some years ago, Maria left her job to fully support the journalistic work of her son. Henry was not able to participate in the interview because he was currently in a forced house arrest in Cuba.