Následující text není historickou studií. Jedná se o převyprávění pamětníkových životních osudů na základě jeho vzpomínek zaznamenaných v rozhovoru. Vyprávění zpracovali externí spolupracovníci Paměti národa. V některých případech jsou při zpracování medailonu využity materiály zpřístupněné Archivem bezpečnostních složek (ABS), Státními okresními archivy (SOA), Národním archivem (NA), či jinými institucemi. Užíváme je pouze jako doplněk pamětníkova svědectví. Citované strany svazků jsou uloženy v sekci Dodatečné materiály.

Pokud máte k textu připomínky nebo jej chcete doplnit, kontaktujte prosím šéfredaktora Paměti národa. (michal.smid@ustrcr.cz)

Saw Ni Aung (* 1955)

A Karen ethnic who was separated from his family by death due to the totalitarian regime

During his service as a chairman of Kat Tha Mhyin village located in Bogalay Township, he went to ground in November 1991 for farming land related matters. In the meantime, police force received the information that the villagers got the contact with ethnic armed group and took the weapons to the village. Therefore, police force arrested U Saw Ni Aung and interrogated him in police outpost at Sat San Village. In the detention room, he was handcuffed from the back and his handcuffs were again tie with rope. His neck was also wrapped with rope and he had to sleep in face down position while sleeping. During interrogation, they put the hood over his head and hit him. Another inmate was forced to hit U Saw Ni Aung with bamboo stick and let him beat at the whole body including face. He was frequently hit with stick and arms. Sometime, they hanged him at the beam while his hands were also handcuffed from the back and interrogated the whole night. He was almost unconscious due to kicking at the chest. Then, he was sent to Bogalay police detention and special tribunal of Bogalay township sentenced the punishments.

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