Následující text není historickou studií. Jedná se o převyprávění pamětníkových životních osudů na základě jeho vzpomínek zaznamenaných v rozhovoru. Vyprávění zpracovali externí spolupracovníci Paměti národa. V některých případech jsou při zpracování medailonu využity materiály zpřístupněné Archivem bezpečnostních složek (ABS), Státními okresními archivy (SOA), Národním archivem (NA), či jinými institucemi. Užíváme je pouze jako doplněk pamětníkova svědectví. Citované strany svazků jsou uloženy v sekci Dodatečné materiály.

Pokud máte k textu připomínky nebo jej chcete doplnit, kontaktujte prosím šéfredaktora Paměti národa. (michal.smid@ustrcr.cz)

Kyin Hlaing (* 1956)


Kyin Hlaing was detained and interrogated at GTC in 2007. Interrogation took 3 days and he only received only rice and one boiled egg during those 3 days. He did not get enough food while water was not provided at all. When he could not speak because of the thirst, they only gave a few amount of water by dropping it. One time, they gave him fried noodle. When he was about to eat, they told him to eat later and started interrogation. But he could not eat at all. When military intelligence called him for interrogation, he had to go there by kneeing down and putting hands on his head. Sometime, he was bleeding due to their beating but he needed to ensure that there was no blood drop falling to the floor. He had to use his hand to collect bleeding blood and put it into trash box. He had to clean up the blood drop, if it fell to the floor. When cleaning the face, he had to do very gently with small amount of water as there were wounds on his face due to their torture. On the third day, he was taken and interrogated at night time. They threatened him that he will be killed if he doesn’t answer properly. He was sent to Insein Isolated Prison in the next day and interrogation was also done in there. In November 2008, Kyauktadar Court sentenced him to 4 years imprisonment. He was transferred from Insein Prison to Pakokku prison and he was released from Pakokku prison in May 2011.

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